Mimi Borger - Romantic Realist: Book Illustrator

"Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art."

Leonardo DaVinci


Mimi Borger fine artist Mimi Borger Illustrations

Mimi Borger contact

Mimi Borger Artist, Illustrator, Author,


Mimi Borger oil paintings Mimi Borger watercolors Mimi Borger illustrations Mimi Borger murals

Mimi Borger Birdgels bags and pretty ribbon




"The Adventures of Mimi Bee - The First Time"

I blew my breath and spread my wings, and beat them like a drum. I felt a thrill inside my heart when first I heard them hum.

I drew my breath, and laughed outloud and smiled in sweet surprise. I felt a thrill inside my heart when first I met your eyes.

mimi borger copyright 1998

If an interested publisher, please contact to see all 34 sets or request script and storyboard of 160+ drawings.

Watercolor Paintings by Mimi Borger





"City Government is Everybody's Job" story by Sandy Rea, Rio Rancho, NM: illustrations by Mimi Borger, 2009 Rio Rancho City Government is Everybody's Job


  Mr. Allergyhead written and illustrated by Mimi Borger copyright 2004





Mimi Borger - Artist Romantic Realist: Portrait Art, Murals, Illustrations, Birdgels Painted Bags & Ribbon

Author: The Story of Mr. Allergyhead ; The Adventures of Mimi Bee; Healtheorium articles & botanical illustrations