Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals: Articles by Mimi Borger ......... Health Think: Disease Prevention is Health Care

Vitamins A, D & E

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin occurring in nature in two forms: preformed and provitamin (known as Carotene.) Carotene gets its name from carrots. It is a substance in many plant foods. Preformed vitamin A resides in certain tissues of animals... read more

B Vitamins

Vitamin B1 Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin acting as a coenzyme used in the conversion of glucose into energy. It is a component of whole grains and is required for a healthy nervous system and mental attitude. It is necessary for consistent... read more

Vitamin C & Bioflavonoids

Vitamin C, a water soluble nutrient, is normally the least stable of vitamins and is very sensitive to light, heat and air, all which stimulate the activity of oxidative enzymes. A primary function of vitamin C is maintaining collagen , a protein necessary for the formation... read more

Vitamin K

There are three K vitamins: K1, K2, K3.

K1 and K2 are fat-soluble and in the presence of certain bacteria, are manufactured in the intestinal tract. It is absorbed in the upper intestinal tract with the aid of bile or bile salts, an enzyme necessary for the absorption... read more


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. 99% of the body's calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. 1% is involved in the blood-clotting clotting process, nerve and muscle stimulation, parathyroid hormone function, and metabolism of vitamin D. The major function of calcium is to act... read more

Chlorine (Cloride/Salt)

Chlorine (Chloride) is an essential mineral. It occurs in the body mainly in compound form along with sodium or potassium. It is widely distributed throughout the body. Chlorine compounds such as sodium chloride (salt) are found primarily in the cells. Chlorine helps regulate... read more








Healtheorium copyright Mimi Borger 2008