Herb uses by Mimi Borger

Herbal Extracts Liquid and Caps

Adding tinctures to your daily routine or for short periods of time, may help improve the body's immune system, relieve inflammation, aid in drug withdrawal, or reactions to radiation treatment.   They can be used to improve digestion, circulation, respiration, and nerves, as well as improve skin and hair, and increase aging and cognitive function.

All herbal extracts and essential oils should be used with care.

Caution: Some herbs and supplements may interact with certain pharmaceutical drugs (especially cardiac and hyper- or hypo-tensive drugs.) Consult your Physician or Medical Professional if you are prescribed and taking conventional medication.

As with all foods and supplements, be aware of allergies/sensitivities, and cease use if symptoms occur.

Following is a list of herbal extracts that, according to our references, are generally safe. Some herbs may be safe in small amounts only. Dosage information on bottles is approximate. Generally, dosage is based upon 150 pounds of weight. Adjust dosage per individual's weight. For any concerns, seek the advice of a Certified Herbalist or a Medical Professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Check with your healthcare provider for therapeutic use as a preventative measure.

Note: To search key words in this list, press Ctrl+f on a PC, or Command+f on an Apple computer


Herb or Formula


Common uses/benefits

Notes : see references



Skin eruptions, heavy menstruation

Dry plant extract

Agrimony Glycerite Agrimonia Skin eruptions, heavy menstruation Dry plant extract
Alfalfa Medicago sativa Kidney, bladder, prostate; increase bladdder urine flow Dry leaf extract
Ambrosia Rag Weed Immunotherapy Fresh plant extract


Angelica archangelica

Bladder strength and function

Fresh root extract



Support for lungs during acute, sudden situations


Arnica Flower Oil


Soothes temporary muscle and nerve discomfort DO NOT use dried herb. Use arnica in small amounts.
Artichoke Cynara scolymus Liver disorders Fresh flower & leaf extract
Ashwagandha Root Withania somnifera Anxiety, stress, depression, fertility, may boost brain function Dry root extract



Adaptogen. Helps boost deep immunity and resistance.


Astragulus Echinacea


May alleviate infection


Bacopa Bacopa monnieri Adaptogen, diuretic, nootropicmemory, brain function, anxiety, thyroid health Whole plant extract
Baptisia Wild Indigo Mouth, gums, ear, nose, throat Fresh plant extract


Berberis vulgaris

Infections, skin, diarrhea

Dry root extract


Myrica Diarrhea, jaundice, fever, cold, flu excesive menstruation, vaginal discharge

Dry root bark extract



Digestion, heartburn, diarrhea, gas

Fresh flowering Tops Extract


May promote a healthy woman's cycle


Betony/Silk Tassel


Muscle ache

Betony/Skullcap   Aches  
Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus Supports eyesight Dry Berry Extract
Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa Supports female system Dry Root Extract
Black Walnut Juglans major Digestive, respiratory, sweating, parasites Fresh/Green Hull Extract
Bladderwrack Fucus Vesiculosis Thyroid, metabolism, inflammation, bone strength, skin, vision (Kelp) Dry Fond Extract
Blessed Thistle Cnicus benedictus Used to stimulate secretion of gastic juices and saliva. Helps to increase appetite and aids in digestion. May help bile production. Fresh Plant Extract
Blue Cohosh Caulophyllum Antispasmodic, diuretic, demulcent, sedative, oxytocic Dry root extract
Blue Cohosh/Red Root   Female support tonic  
Blue Gentian Gentiana Digestion, loss of appetite, intestinal gas, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, vomiting Dry root extract
Blue Vervain Verbena Mood, stress, inflammation, immune system, respiratory andd nervous system, anti-parasitic Fresh flowering tops extract
Blue Vervain Glycerite Verbena Mood, stress, inflammation, immune system, respiratory andd nervous system, anti-parasitic Fresh flowering tops extract
Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum Promotes healthy tissue, bones, tendons, respiratory Dry leaf extract
Brickellia Prodigiosa Blood sugar, diarrhea, stomach, gallbladder Fresh plant extract
Brickellia/Devils Club   Blood sugar support  
Bugleweed/Motherwort   Supports high thyroid  
Burdock Arctium Gentle liver, skin and blood cleanser Dry root extract
Burdock Root Glycerite Arctium Gentle liver, skin and blood cleanser Fresh root extract
Burdock/Echinacea   Supports healthy skin  
Calendula   "European Marigold " Antispasmodic, laxative, promotes bile flow, induces perspiration, vulnerary Fresh flower extract
Calendula Oil   Supports wound healing and nourishes skin  
California Poppy   Soothes temporary discomfort; relaxing; promotes sleep  
Catnip Nepeta Antioxidant, antispasmodic, sedative, carminative (flatulence,) diaphoretic (induces sweating) Fresh plant extract
Catnip Glycerite Nepeta Antioxidant, antispasmodic, sedative, carminative (flatulence,) diaphoretic (induces sweating) Fresh plant extract
Catnip Fennel   Upset stomach  
Cat's Claw Unicaria tomentosa Supports stress and healthy joints Dry bark extract
Cat's Claw Sarsaparilla   May help Lyme disease symptoms  
Cayenne   Supports healthy circulation andd heart health Dry fruit extract
Celery Seed Apium graveolens Relieves flatulence, muscle spasms and inflammation; sedative, diuretic Dry extract
Chamomile Matricaria Supports the nervous system Dry flower extract
Chamomile Boneset   Temperature helper for kids  
Chamomile Glycerite Matricaria Supports the nervous system Dry flower extract
Chaparral Larrea Antioxidant, anti-fungal; aids colds, skin disorders. Minimal Use with Caution Fresh leaf & flower extract
Chaparro Amargosa Castela emoryl Vital stimulant, digestive tonic, anti-parasitic. Dry stem extract
Chaste Tree Berry Vitex agnus-castus Helps balance the female cycle Fresh berry extract
Chickweed Stellaria media Relieves flatulence, inflammation of mucus membranes; expectorant, laxative Dry flowering tops extract
Cilantro Leaf Coriandrum Digestion, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite Fresh extract
Cinnamon Cinnamomum Blood sugar Dry bark extract
Cleavers Galium apanne Dieuretic, fever reducer Fresh plant extract
Clove   Supports healthy gums  
Colic Soother   Anodyne (pain relief), antiemetic (nausea, vomiting), antiseptic Catnip Fennel Glycerite
Colloidal Silver   Supports healthy immune system Ionic particle in nanogram size
Coltsfoot leaf Tussilago Anti-inflammatory, coughs, bronchial congestion Leaf extract


  Promotes healthy tissue; topical only


Coptis Coptis chinensis Gastrointestinal, (contains Berberine) anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties Dry rhizome extract
Corn Silk Zea mays Bladder, kidney, prostate, blood pressure, water retention Fresh silk extract
Corydalis (Golden Smoke) Dicentra Antispasmodic, aids sleep Whole plant extract

Cramp Bark

Viburnum opulus

Supports a smooth female cycle

Dry bark extract

Cramp Bark Wild Yam   Antispasmodic, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant  


Turnera diffusa

Mood elevator and traditional female booster

Dry leaf extract

Dandelion Leaf & Flower Taraxacum Supports healthy liver, cleanses, diuretic Fresh plant extract
Dandelion Root Taraxacum Supports digestion, gallbladder, lungs and liver Dry root extract
Dandelion Whole Plant Taraxacum Antioxidaant, fights inflammatioin, aids blood sugar conrol diuretic, laxative Fresh & dry whole plant extract
Dandelion/Fringe Tree Formula   Supports healthy gall bladder function  
Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis Coughs and bronchial disturbances Fresh leaf, flower & twig
Devil's Claw H procumbens Supports the joints and muscles. Dry root extract
Devil's Club Opolopanax horridum Joint inflammation, wounds, fever, stomach, cough, colds, sore throat, low blood sugar. May cause vomiting Fresh root extract
Dong Quai   Helps balance the female cycle  
Echinacea E. angustofolia Immune support Dry root extract - wild field grown
Echinacea/Astragalus   Immune support  
Echinacea/Goldenseal   Immune support  
Echinacea/Red Root   Immune and lymph support  
Echinacea/Valerian/Oats   Herpes pain helper  
Echinacea/Yerba Mansa   Immune Booster  
Elderberry Berry Sambucus nigra Supports healthy immunity Dry berry extract
Elderberry Flower Sambucus Diaphoretic, diuretic, alterative, emollient, discutient, gentle stimulant Dry leaf & flower extract
Eleuthro   Promotes energy and endurance  
Eleuthro/Rhodiola   Helps normalizes body's reaction to stress  
Elixer, Tummy Helper   Supports digestion  



Supports eye health

Dry leaf extract

Fennel Foeniculum Digestive and stomach soother Dry seed extract
Fenugreek Trigonella foenum Supports healthy digestion; lactation support Dry seed extract
Fenugreek Goats Rue   Lactation support  
Fenugreek/Thyme   Mucous  
Feverfew Chrysanthemum parthenium May relieve headaches, stress, inflammation, pain, fever, menstrual discomfort, and increase appetite and boost respiratory health Fresh herb extract
Frankinscense Boswellia serrata May reduce joint and gut inflammation, and may prevent the production of leukotrienes, maintain oral health Dry gum extract
Ginger Zingerber May improve circulation, fat burning, inflammation, nausea, menstrual pain Fresh root extract
Ginko/American Ginseng   Adapt to stress  
Goat's Rue Galega May reduce blood sugar levels, increase milk production (lactation.) Can stimulate adrenal glands and pancreas. Dry leaf extract
Goldenseal   Astringent, useful for balancing inflamed mucus membranes in later stages of cold or flu, and as a digestive tonic  
Goldenseal Glycerite Hydrastis Astringent, useful for balancing inflamed mucus membranes in later stages of cold or flu, and as a digestive tonic Fresh plant extract
Gotu Kola Centella asiatica General health tonic; may boost cognitive function, promote liver and kidney, skin and hair health, improve sleep, reduce anxiety/stress and water retention, Dry root extract
Gotu Kola/Bladderwrack


Bladderwrack rich in iodine; anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties


Gravel Root Eupatorium purpureum Nephritic; may be helpful for urinary and kidney support. Caution: use carefully.

Dry root extract

Grindelia Gumweed Soothes skin eruptions, muscle and bronchial antispasmodic, urinary tract disinfectant

Fresh flowering tops extract

Hawthorn Berry


Antispasmodic, cardiac, sedative, vasodilator

Dry berry extract



Anodyne, diuretic, febrifuge, hypnotic, sedative; used for intestinal cramps and flatulence; stimulates apetite

Fresh strobiles extract



Diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, tonic

Fresh leaf extract

Horehound Glycerite Marrubium Diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, tonic Fresh leaf extract
Horse Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Astringent, expectorant; supports vein strength Dry fruit extract

Equisetum arvense

Diuretic, astringent; supports eye and skin health

Dry arial tops extract

Horsetail/Gotu Kola


Damaged tissue support


Hydrangea Seven Barks Cathartic, diuretic, nephritic Dry root extract
Hydens Viburnum Compound   Menstrual cramps  
Hypericum (St. John's Wort)


Expectorant, diuretic, astringent, sedative

Fresh flowering tops

Hypericum Oil


Externally as anti-inflammatory, nervine


Hyssop Leaf & Flower


Stimulant, aromatic, carminative, tonic, expectorant

Dry plant extract

Indian Root Formula


Support for weakened immune system


Indian Tobacco/Passion Flower


Smoking cessation help



Asclepias asperula

Bronchial dilator, stimulates lymph drainage, menstrual stimulant

Dry root extract



Diuretic, tonic,diaphoretic, expectorant, alterative, antiseptic, astringent and gentle stimulant; bronchial and pulmonary uses

Dry root extract

Jamaica Dogwood


Tooth pain, neuralgia, promotes sleep; antispasmodic

Dry tree & root bark extract

Juniper Berry


Diuretic, stimulant, carminative, antiseptic; stomach/digestive support

Fresh berry extract

Kava Kava

Piper methysticum

Analgesic, sedative; suggested to use small doses intermittently (take a break every 1-2 months)

Fresh root extract

Kava Kava Chamomile


Calm relaxation


Lavender Lavendula angustofolia Extract may benefit anxiety, fungal infections, hair loss and wounds. (Essential oil is toxic when swallowed.) Dry flowers extract
Lemon Balm

Melissa officianalis

Stress, mood imbalance, cognition, sleep, digestion. May benefit nausea, toothaches, cold sores. Has anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties

Fresh & dry flowering tops extract


Glycyrrhiza glabra

May soothe gastrointestinal tract, cleanse respiratory system, reduce stress.

Dry root extract

Linden Tilia vulgaris Demulcent (moisturizing) and astringent (tighten and tone tissue.) May soothe cramps, headaches, bladder control, inflammation, cough, itchy skin Dry leaf & flower extract


Anti-spasmodic, anti-asthmatic and expectorant properties. Stimulates and relaxes nerves. May irritate the GI tract. Use Caution.


Lomatium Root

Lomatium dissectum

Antimicrobial and antiviral properties, may aid respiratory tract, supports immune system and may reduce inflammation

Dry root extract



Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic properties; contains Berberine; may benefit stomach, urinary tract, skin,


Mahonia (Oregon Grape) with Dandelion Mahonia aquifolium Supports liver health Dry root extract
Marshmallow   Digestive tract inflammation; soothes sore throat, dry cough and bronchial. Stimulates white blood cell production/immune system  
Meadowsweet Filipenduyla ulmaria Astringent, depurative, diuretic, febrifuge, tonic. Joints, congestion, gastrointestinal tract Dry flowering tops extract
Milk Thistle Silybum marianum Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory; liver, gallbladder Dry seed extract
Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca Emmenague (stimulates uterus); antispasmodic, nervine, laxative; may relieve menopausal symptoms, increase appetite, Fresh flowering top extract
Mugwort Artemisla vulgaris Emmenagogue, diuretic, diaphoretic. Not for prolonged use. Fresh leaf extract
Mullein Horehound Glycerite Verbascum Marrubium vulgare Lungs  
Mullein Leaf Verbascum Demulcent, diuretic, anodyne, antispasmodic, astringent, pectoral Fresh leaf extract
Mullein Root Verbascum Supports weak bladder Fresh root extract
Myrrh Commiphora Astringent, antisesptic; emmenagogue and antispasmodic Dry gum extract
Nettles Leaf Urtica Diuretic, astringent, tonic, pectoral., detox, promotes healthy blood circulation. Vitamin K in Nettle supports blood clotting and bone matabolism. May relieve pain and inflammation, soothe allergies and improve skin, hair and bone health. Fresh leaf extract
Nettles Ambrosia   Allergies  
Oat Seed Avena sativa Nervine, tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic. May help nervous system weakness or exhaustion Fresh Seed (oat tops in "milk" stage)
Oat Straw Avena sativa Diuretic, diaphoretic, carminative, and febricide (to reduce fever.) Oatstraw is the green, unripe part of the plant. Dry plant extract
Oats   Inflammation, skin irritation  
Oats Horsetail   Diuretic, astringent; supports eye and skin health  
Ocotillo Fouquieria splendons Supports digestion  
Oil, Arnica   Soothes skin, bruises, joint pain, skin rash, and acne. Can be used as a carrier for essential oils.  
Oil, Calendula   Anti-inflammatory and weak antimicrobial activity. Most Anti-often used topically for lacerations, abrasions, and skin infections.  
Oil, St John's Wort   Inflammation, muscle and joint pain, skin inflammation Flower
Oregano Leaf   Antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-yeast, antioxiant, emenaogue, digestive aid, expectorant  
Osha Root Ligusticum porteri Respiratory health, immune boost, expectorant, increases circulation of blood in lungs Dry root extract. Very carefuly & ethically wildcrafted Osha Root only
Osha-Honey Syrup Ligusticum porteri Supports healthy throat and lung tissue Dry root extract. Herbs ethically wildcrafted, organically grown or grown without chemicals
Osha/Yerba Santa   Lung support  
Passion Flower Passaflora Antispasmodic, anti-depressent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, sedative qualities. Uterine stimulant Fresh flowering vine extract
Pau D'Arco Tebebuia Reduces pain, inflammation, yeast; antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Start slowly, and increase gradually. Dry bark extract
Pau D'Arco/Desert Willow   Balance yeast  
Peony Paeonia Analgesic, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, depurative, emmenagogue, febrifuge, vulnery properties. Dry root extract
Pipsissewaip Chimaphila Kidney and bladder tonic and diuretic; respiratory tonic, and fever reducing agent. Fresh leaf extract
Plantain Plantago ovata

Alterative, astringent, diuretic, anti-septic properties. Contains Vitamin K. May improve digestion, soothe bronchial system; externally cooling and soothing to skin and may soothe insect bites.

Fresh leaf extract
Pleursey Root   Antispasmodic, astringent, carthartic, emetic, expectorant, stomachic. May subdue lung inflammation, loosen phlegm and expel mucus. Caution: can stimulate the uterus and endanger pregnancy.  
Polygala/Grindelia   Mucus  
Prickly Ash Bark Xanthoxylum Stimulant, diaphoretic, alterative, nervine, sialagogue Dry bark extract
Raspberry Agrimony Glycerite   Diarrhea helper for kids  
Red Clover Trifolium pratense Alterative, sedative, deobstruent Dry flower extract
Red Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Astringent, stimulant, tonic. Commonly used for diarrhea; removes cankers from mucous membranes and tones tissue involved; relief for urethral irritation; soothing to kidneys, urinary tract, and ducts. Long established use for menstrual pain and to aid flow. Externally as astringent. Fresh leaf extract
Red Root Ceanothus Often used as an astringent to control acne and aid in healing skin lesions. Some herbalists use in mouthwash to help mouth health and prevent buildup of plaque. Native American use as digestive and pulmonary aid. Dry root extract
Red Root Burdock   Supports healthy lymph flow  
Red Root Ocotillo   Hemorrhoid helper and vein strengthener  
Red Root Sarsaparilla   May relieves symptoms of Lyme co-infections  
Red Root Usnea   May relieve strep symptoms  
Rue Ruta graviola Emmenagogue, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative qualities. Acts upon the periosteum, cartiliages, eyes and uterus. Potentially a potassium channel blocker. Use with caution. Dry leaf extract
Sage Salvia Off Tonic, astringent, expectorant, diaphoretic. Dry leaf extract
Sarsparilla Smilax Alterative, diuretic, demulcent, stimulant, antiscorbutic Dry root extract
Sassafras Sassafras Stimulant, diaphoretic, aromatic, tonic, diuretic, alterative Dry root extract
Saw Palmetto Berry Serenoa May decrease symptoms of an enlarged prostate by shrinking the inner lining that puts pressure on the tubes that carry urine; blocks the over production of testosterone. May be useful in problems of the reproductive organs, ovaries, prostate and testicles. Studies show that it may be beneficial for reducing inflammation of the bladder and soothing painful urination. Some research suggests that taking saw palmetto, selenium, and lycopene can improve symtoms of prostate swelling. Dry fruit extract
Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursa pastoris Mostly used by women with excessively heavy menstruation caused by fibroids, etal. Externally arrests bleeding. Caution: Interacts with thyroid hormone (decreases) and can influence cardiovascular system and cause drop in blood pressure and more. Fresh plant extract
Siberian Root/Damiana   Whole body stress support  
Silk Tassel Garrya Smooth muscle relaxer; antispasmodic; often used for menstrual cramps Fresh leaf extract
Skullcap   Tonic, nervine, antispasmodic, slightly astringent. may help nervous irritation  
Soloman's Seal Root Polygonatum multiflorum Astringent, demulcent, tonic Dry root extract
Spikenard Aralia racemosa Alterative, diaphoretic, expectorant Dry root extract
Squawvine Michella repens "Partridge Berry" anxiety relief Dry Plant extraqct
Stone Root Collinsonia Used for urinary tract problems; bladder pain; excess uric acid. Used to increase urine flow. May relieve stomach and indigestion. Dry root extract
Teasel Dipacus fullonum Pulls bacteria from tissue and into the blood stream, exposing it to antibiotics and the immune system. Acts as a diuretic. It functions to tonify the liver and kidneys and promotes blood circulation. May benefit Candida overgrowth, bone strength and joint inflammation. Often referenced for Lyme. Dry root extract
Thyme Thymus Antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antioxidant benefits. Dry leaf extract
Turmeric Curcuma Commonly used for reducing blood cholesterol, and reducing joint pain, symptoms of hayfever, and depression. Increases metabolism. Caution if pregnant, or have gall bladder problems. Fresh Hawaiian root extract
Turmeric/Figwort   Skin inflammation  
Usnea Usnea barbata "Old Man's Beard" Used for weight loss, pain relief, fever control, and wound healing, and to expect phlegm. Used directly on skin for atheletes foot. Dry lichen extract
Usnea Boneset Formula   May beneficial for symptoms of colds, flu, and fevers  
Uva Ursi Arctostaphylos Used for urinary tract, kidney, bladder and urethra, constipation, and inflammation of bronchial tubes. Dry leaf extract
Uva Ursi/Corn Silk   Bladder support  
Valerian Root   Sleep, stress, anxiety, and digestion aid. Use small amount to avoid vivid dreams.