Health articles


Health Discussions: Articles by Mimi Borger and Health Professionals ......... Health Think: Disease Prevention is Health Care

"It all depends when it comes to questions about your health"

It amazes me how many people are willing to talk to a perfect stranger working in a "health" store, divulge deeply personal information, and then ask for and take advice (about their most important health matters) from a person of untold... read more

"What you feed your body does impact health"

It seems Einstein was right - everything is relative - perspective effects reality. Concerning health, your perspective can determine how you treat illness. For instance, if you think you have a flu bug, you treat symptoms... read more

"It's up to you to read the label on prescriptions"

I kept thinking my winter fat would go away...but it wouldn't. By springtime, my thighs had not retreated to pre-holiday size, and though outwardly acting nonchalant, I privately grimaced as my pants changed sizes twice in 4 months... read more

"Sweet addictions in the new millennium"

In the mid-1970's, Americans were just starting to feel the effects of an oil crisis and spiraling gas prices. Allegedly, we had a shortage of gas and so were allowed to buy limited gallons on alternate days... read more


"Fresh foods can change your life"

Feeling overwhelmed with a preponderance of conflicting information? In February of 2007, the Netcraft Web Server Survey found 108,810,358 distinct web sites, with an estimated 30 billion web pages... read more

"Oil and water don't mix, but they have much in common."

Years ago, young healthy looking men sprinted from gas station front offices, and in what appeared to be one quick movement, shoved the pump into the gas tank, checked the car's tire inflation, washed the windows, and presented the customer with the oil dip stick ... read more

"Practice simple steps to remain healthy"

Imagine a worldwide computer crash.   Does that sound like an idea for a science fiction movie?   Just 50 years ago, electronic devices, that our culture now depends upon, were the imaginings of brilliant albeit far-fetched thought... read more

"The Dogs of the Islets of Langerhans"

The 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was awarded to two researchers from a team at the University of Toronto, Canada. Physicians, Frederick Banting and Sinthu Macleod were credited with the discovery and practical extraction of more

"Which came first: inflammation or stress?"

"Come on you guys!" My older sister's shout echoed through the woods. "There's the ski jump! Let's run down!" My brother scrambled over the gate after her, and they took off running, laughing and screaming, disappearing down the shaft of wood into the forest... read more

"Homemade 'souperfood' nutritious and simple to make"

Growing up, I don't recall my mother wasting anything. Furniture was recovered or refinished, warn-out clothes became "wash-the-dog" clothes then rags; and the almost meatless beef bones the butcher gave out for free were transformed into delicious soup... read more

"Keep colds away with warm feet"

It seems that the toe bone is connected to the head bone - whenever my feet are cold, my entire self feels cold! When I was a kid, my family lived near Canada, so, in the winter when we went outside to play, everything about us was layered -- underwear, long underwear, pants, snow pants, shirt, sweater... read more

Thinking outside the processed insurance box"

Not too long ago, a visit to a doctor or emergency room was limited to those with bacterial infections, bleeding, broken bones, or imminent death. Now at the drop of a virus or acronym, many Conventional Western Medicine physicians are dispensing antibiotics, vaccinations, ... read more


Healtheorium copyright Mimi Borger 2008